Country: Pakistan
Location within country: KPK and Sind Provinces
Name of Client: Merlin Pakistan
Start Date: April 4th 2015
Completion Date: May 5th 2015
In December 2013, Merlin’s established a baseline for Knowledge-Practice-Coverage (KPC) through a quantitative community-based survey. In March 2015, Merlin’s commissioned an end line survey to Beyond Solution, a consulting firm, to undertake an end line survey so that to assess whether Merlin’s health/nutrition program are achieving the intended outcomes of knowledge-practice-coverage (KPC) of the core interventions at household and community level in KPK and Sindh. The study gathers dis-aggregated level of KPC rates per program impact area with weighted/average coverage. The end line survey provides Merlin with opportunity to compare and draw inferences the level of accomplishments and as well to inform program design to take corrective measures to best fit program needs and set future program priorities and directions