Information Communication Technologies 4 Development
At its heart, digital development is all about Innovation – it’s about the application of contemporary processes, technologies and approaches to solve complex business problems. Our entire digital development agenda is based on the notion that Information Communication Technologies 4 Development (ICT4D) is more than a technical piece of work to deliver successfully scaled and sustainable ICT Interventions.
Considering ICT4D as an idle project milestone delivery has repeatedly proven us wrong. Depending upon which academic study you lean on, the failure rate of ICT projects is usually reported extreme high – somewhere between 50%-80%
our digital development experts have not only served as technical leaders and industry conveners, but have also left legacy of large sustainable and scaled ICT4D solutions for over two decades.

Irrigation Management Information System (IRDP)
Country: Afghanistan
Name of Client: IRDP-MoEW
Start date: September 2012
Completion date: November 2014
Irrigation Restoration & Development Project-IRDP is five years project within Ministry of Energy and Water - MoEW. Working in six regions of Afghanistan (Regions are defined as per the river basin in the country) for the development of the irrigation systems, construction of dams and setting up of hydro-logical station at all the major rivers.
The main components of IMIS are:
- Project Management of projects that are running in all four components of IRDP
- Procurement activities that are undertaken, starting right from bid document preparation to the award of the contract and managing amendments to the contract
- Payments made to the vendors, and other operational activities i.e. staff salaries, asset inventory etc.
- Providing a very powerful dynamic survey tool for M&E purposes
- Reporting module include Fixed and Ad-hoc reporting
- Online GIS module that enable senior management to perform more complex analysis of the IRDP activities

Irrigation Management Information System (IRDP)
Country: Afghanistan
Name of Client: IRDP-MoEW
Start date: September 2012
Completion date: November 2014
Irrigation Restoration & Development Project-IRDP is five years project within Ministry of Energy and Water -MoEW. Working in six regions of Afghanistan (Regions are defined as per the river basin in the country) for the development of the irrigation systems, construction of dams and setting up of hydro-logical station at all the major rivers.
The main components of IMIS are:
- Project Management of projects that are running in all four components of IRDP
- Procurement activities that are undertaken, starting right from bid document preparation to the award of the contract and managing amendments to the contract
- Payments made to the vendors, and other operational activities i.e. staff salaries, asset inventory etc.
- Providing a very powerful dynamic survey tool for M&E purposes
- Reporting module include Fixed and Ad-hoc reporting
- Online GIS module that enable senior management to perform more complex analysis of the IRDP activities

Country: Afghanistan
Name of Client: MoPH
Start Date: September 2011
End Date: June 2012
HR MIS at the Ministry of Public Health is in three languages (Dari, Pashto & English). The system facilitates the HR department of the ministry to create organizational structure (Tashkeel) & positions within each department, report the vacant posts, Organize Personal information, their Educational achievements, Work experience, property owned, Training offered by the ministry, and Employee Identity Card Management. The application has a very robust ad-hoc reporting tool to cater changing information needs of the senior management.

Country: Afghanistan
Name of Client: AIMS
Start Date: February 2010
End Date: September 2010
The main goal of developing a HR MIS for Afghanistan Information Management Services was to facilitate the HR Department’s members by providing them an integrated system, which could automatically manage their daily works. The deployed system enables the targeted departments to easily and accurately manage their work within a shorter time frame and less labor work.
Usually HR systems have many components in order to achieve integration. HR MIS at AIMS performs different functions such as:
- Management of staff members’ general information. - Contracts.
- Leave entitlements & balance.
- Promotion history.
- Payroll creation.
However, in long run this system will be upgraded with a new version, which will automate the entire HR processes, from VA to final recruitment, from payroll creation to bank transfer notice.

Mobile Geo Location Monitoring (HLP-MAIL)
Country: Afghanistan
Name of Client: HLP-MAIL
Start date: September 2010
Completion date: November 2010
The Horticulture & Livestock Project (HLP)-Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation & Livestock (MAIL), Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system was established to provide information to MAIL, World Bank and other project stakeholders about project performance and results.
To support its capabilities, the World Bank Supervision Mission suggested that the HLP M&E unit utilize new technology and techniques to help collect reliable and verifiable field data. A Geo-Locational monitoring (GLM) using GPS-enabled camera was one such solution suggested. GLM provided a uniquely rapid and reliable ‘ground-truthing’ solution as the application enabled field verification missions to deliver apart from other information, geo-tagged, time and date tagged photographs of project sites. The collection can be uploaded in no time to a central HLP database. Beyond Solutions team did a pilot project in Mir Bacha Kot-Kabul, using the application, for field data collection about Poultry Production, Vine Yards, New Vine Yards, and etc.
The data collected through the survey using mobile application was also linked with an online GIS application to plot the collected information on different GIS layers and satellite imagery.

Country: Afghanistan
Name of Client: Government of Afghanistan
Start Date: 22 Feb 2009
End Date: 15 April 2010
Provincial Infrastructure Management Support System (PIMSS) has got bellow different modules integrated with each other:
- PIMSS Web Application.
- PIMSS Mobile Application.
- PIMSS & Primavera Integration.
Data collection and verification is an important aspect of PIMSS. In order to ensure the accuracy of data that has been aggregated and entered from different users and provincial departments, mobile application was built and used by the surveyors for this purpose. The PIMSS mobile Module has different interfaces for the surveyors to access the assigned tasks through a mobile device from the server; the system enables the surveyors to locate projects and assigned assets on map where he/she was assigned to conduct the data verification. The mobile interfaces automatically report the exact coordinates (Latitude and Longitude), upload geo-tagged images of an asset/ project and report the necessary complements of an asset and project through the user interface.