Country: Afghanistan
Location within country: Kabul
Name of Client: PA Government Services Inc.
Start date: 18 July 2010
Completion date: December 2010


Beyond Solutions team worked closely with Kabul Electricity Service Improvement Program (KESIP) for the implementation of the GIS regularization program. Purpose of the project was to work with Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) and use GIS techniques and maps to identify customer premises, assign billing sequence and review meter reading routes. The project consisted of the following main modules

  • Digitization of Kabul District Maps for premise identification and boundaries
  • Geo-Coding of premise for identification and linkage to GIS system for mapping the info.
  • Mobile Survey Application (MSA) to gather information and coordinates of premise, meter, transformer and pole. This module also provided mechanisms for data verification and correction.
  • Development of Geo Database to provide spatial reports about premise, customer, meter and transformers.

The MSA enabled survey teams to collect accurate and reliable information about customers, meters and premises. The tool also captures the GPS coordinates of meter, transformer and premise to help in better mapping and linking of customer with meter and the premise. Considering the procedure of survey and skills of the surveyors, it was essential to collect the data through a user-friendly interface in order to increase the usability and effectiveness of the system, MSA provides a visualized presentation layer for both input and output.